Dhanteras festival day is dedicated to Lord Kuber, Lord Dhanvantri, Goddess Lakshmi, and Lord Yamraj. Dhan and Teras mean wealth and thirteenth respectively in Sanskrit. Karthika Masa, which falls during Krishna Paksha, in the month in which it falls on the 13th day.
Mythology tells many tales about the origin of this festival. A popular tale speaks of King Hima. He was predicted to die of snakebite in the 16th year following his birth by an astrologer. In the opinion of the astrologer, marrying a girl with a healthy horoscope is one way of saving him. Hima's son was married to a woman like that who worked hard to prevent the death of her husband.
As she lay in bed, she put all her gold and silver ornaments on display. On the day of his 16th birthday, the girl also lit oil lamps and they both stayed awake. As a serpent, Yama, the Lord of Death, invaded Hima's house to take His son's life. As a result, the lamp's brilliance blinded the serpent's eyes. In place of killing Hima's son, he began listening to her stories all night and was forced to return without killing him. On this day, the family is kept safe by celebrating keeping their husband's life. For Dhanteras, people light oil lamps and purchase gold jewelry.
On this festival day, gold, silver, and metal items are considered auspicious to buy. Nevertheless, there are certain things not to do or bring on this day. Although buying utensils is auspicious, you shouldn't use them empty. Pour water into them before taking them inside as a sign of good luck. As gifts are thought to be a good luck charm, avoid giving them to each other. Don't bring anything black home with you. Avoid wearing black as well.