The original Ashoka tree, also known as Saraca Asoca/Indica, is a rainforest tree with lush leaves and attractive yellow-orange blossoms. The flower bouquets are colourful, hefty, and have a relaxing scent. The trees may be found predominantly in the Himalayan foothills, the Deccan plains, and the Western Ghats. In India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka, the Ashoka tree is revered as a sacred tree. Hinduism and Buddhism both have profound religious ties to the tree.
The Ashoka tree is revered in Hindu mythology, art, and sculpture, as well as in the Ramayana. Sita sat under the Ashoka tree in Lanka, according to the Ramayana, recorded by Ved Vyas. The Ashoka tree in Lumbini Garden is significant to Buddhism since it is thought that Shakyamuni/Gautam Buddha was born there. The Sanskrit name Ashoka means "without grief." The tree is regarded as female-friendly due to its ability to drive. The tree is associated with God Kama, the God of Love, and is revered as one of Hindu culture's most sacred trees.
The blossoms of the Ashoka tree are among the flowers in God Kama's quiver, and they signify seductive hypnosis among the flowers. As an inhabitant of Yaksha, the tree is associated with the Yakshi legendary deity. It can be found near the Hindu temple's gates. In Hindu sculpture, the tree has become a regular decorative motif. Hindus venerate the Ashoka tree during the Chaitra month, the first month of the Hindu calendar. Ravana led Sita Mata to Ashoka Vatika, Lanka in the Ramayana. Lord Hanuman saw Sita Mata for the first time in Ashoka Vatika, the Ashoka Tree Garden.