Basistha Temple, also known as Vasistha Temple, is located in Beltola, a town located in the outskirts of central Guwahati city, Assam. This temple was built in 1764 AD by Ahom King, Rajeswar Singha. This temple is located within the Basistha Ashram which showcases the history of the Vedic age. Bahini River, also known as Bharalu River and Basistha River flow through the ashram and the temple, it was named after Saint Basistha. There is a waterfall and a meditation cave which is located within the vicinity of the Ashram and the temple. Even though the temple provides a meditating area for the devotees, meditation caves were built for the 'Rishis' so that they don't get interrupted by the visitors during their meditation.
The forest surrounding the ashram and temple is known as Garbhanga Reserve Forest as various flora and fauna are found in this reserve. This forest is inhabited with elephants. The elephants in this reserve are being protected by the poachers and the reserve also protects the butterflies as some rare butterflies species were found in this reserve. The Basistha temple was built in dedication to Lord Shiva. Three other deities’ temples which are found in the ashram are dedicated to Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Ganesh.
Basistha Temple open at 06:00 AM to 09:00 PM - Everyday
One godess temple is on the small hill within the asram. I like to know the godess name and actually who was she? ?