Gopalpur Beach, Odisha

Gopalpur Beach was initially a non descript obscure fishing village close to the bustling commercial hub of Orissa Bramhapur that did not enjoy any recognition or major confluence of trade and commerce. However, under the patronage and watchful supervision of the Soraine family, Gopalpur's fate and fortune changed tumultuously transforming it into a premier trading port. Prospering under the Soraine family, the village of Gopalpur acquired reputation for a prominent and flourishing fishing industry. The Soraine family also established a trade route with Burma for exporting rice leveraging the trading port in Gopalpur. But after the British invasion, Gopalpur became largely derelict and was reduced to rubble. Presently Gopalpur is a quiet town which enjoys the priceless reputation of being India's and Odisha’s most sought after beaches by tourists. The exact location of Gopalpur beach is Bramhapur in Ganjam district of Odisha.

The Gopalpur beachfront has been converted into an enviable promenade with small businesses plying their trade of catering to tourists, around it. Apart from the cacophony of these hawkers playing their trade selling snacks to tourists, the atmosphere is largely calm and quiet and bereft of any of the noise and chaos in a busy beach resort. The surrounding beauty is serene and the views are picturesque, a very ideal getaway resort for unwinding and spending some quality time with one's friends or family. The standalone towering lighthouse in the background has a strange aura of mystery around it and has stood the test of time since centuries from when it was erected. The Gopalpur beach is indeed a great place to spend some quality time in complete solitude.

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