The Indian Wild Ass Sanctuary at Dhrangadhra is located in the Little Rann region of Kutch district is one of the largest wildlife sanctuaries in India spreading over a total area of approximately 5000 sq KM touching various towns and cities of the western Gujarat like Patan, Sundernager, Rajkot etc. Gujarat is a state that has many sanctuaries and wildlife reserves to preserve these species of fauna and flora.
The species of animal preserved here is mainly the Indian Wild Ass whose scientific name is Equus Hemionus Khur. It is also known as the Ghud Khur in these parts. The animal is similar to the species of Tibetan Kiang only difference being the black strip and the shades on the body. Seeing the steady decrease in the number of these wild asses, the sanctuary was established in the year 1973. There are also other animals and plants conserved in this set up. Some of the animals are nilgai, striped hyenas, jackals, chinkara, desert fox and many others. It is a chief migration grounds for birds over 75000 species of which some are shanks, geese, ibis, white browed bulbul and many more.
The visit to Indian wild ass wildlife sanctuary is a great experience for travellers excited by safaris in jungles. The local trines are the best guide for a safari tour and also provide home stay accommodation for the guests. Apart from this there are resorts and restaurants in the outskirts. The place is very well connected with roadways and the nearest railway station is at Dhrangadhra.
Indian Wild Ass Sanctuary open at 06:00 AM to 06:00 PM
600 INR per Indian tourists and 2600 INR per Foreigner tourists (25 % extra per tickets on every Saturday/Sunday and 50 % extra during the holidays)
300-400 INR
2000-3000 INR for Jeep
200 INR for Indians and 1200 INR for Foreigners
October to November