Kankaria Lake, Gujarat

Kankaria Lake as the name suggests is Gujarat's second largest expansive water body. Situated in the Maninagar area of the capital city Ahmadabad, the Kankaria Lake is perhaps the second largest lake in the state of Gujarat and is a manmade lake whose construction was concluded in 1451 under the rule of Sultan Qutb-ud-Din Ahmad Shah II although the actual date of origin of this man made water body is said to have been initiated much earlier under the patronage of the royalty belonging to the governing Chalukya dynasty.

The lake has always been the centripetal source of attraction for the locals and visiting tourists but presently the lake has become the centripetal to a host of other attractions that have been developed around its perimeter lakefront. The numerous public attractions developed around the Lake have grown with such prominence that it has almost receded the lake into background. Some of the high stature of attractions in circulation on the lakefront includes a full-fledged children's toy train service, petting zoo, kids’ city, balloon rides, water rides in a food stalls, aquatic park, and entertainment facilities.

The attractions on the Lakefront were kept on hold for a brief period for the Lake to undergo renovation for its maintenance in 2008. Since then the Lakefront has always been a preferred destination for travelers and children alike to the extent that the lakefront now hosts the annual Kankaria Carnival which is a week-long carnival held in the final week of December.


Kankaria Lake open at 9:00 AM to 10:00 PM

Entry Fees

25 INR per adults, 10 INR per Children and Children below 3 years and Senior citizens entry is free of cost

Boating Costs

130 INR boat ride per person and 250 INR Jet Ski per person


200 INR combo for 5 rides or 360 INR combo for 7 rides for Adventure Park (No time limit)

Days Closed

Closed on every Mondays

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