Punjab is the soul of India – harvest, army, dance. It craves for energy and radiates immense energy, pride. The concept of folk lore is hugely a contribution from Punjab that led to a wave, an alternate movement. And of course there will be drum and its electric beatings and of course there will be the jingles and the electric jingling. A central character voices out a statement in the strong Punjabi dialect and the surrounding cluster responds positively with energetic shouting and in unison along with the beating and the jingling.
The cluster circles and out of the two emerges two who participate in a symbiotic duo dance posture to proclaim the constructive strength when hands, or in this case, dance postures are joined. One of the duos having a chimta at times and playing it insanely and the other playing the double stranded snaky instrument, also insanely, at times rising in a jostle and again jostling down like a wave in an ocean. Usually, the dance of the aged but includes young men in the contemporary format, Malwai Giddha is distinct from the popular Bhangra with some commonalities.
Another unique character is that it is a form to tease one another in a light comic sense to keep up the spirit of joy and to open up the sense of acceptance. And what a way to tease – stylish, elegant, in the form of carefully weaved musical lyrics. Fun, frolic and colourful dress wise and dance wise. A truly fascinating Malwai Giddha dance form to say the least.