Panchalingeshwara Temple is an ancient Hindu temple in Mandya district of Karnataka and is built in 1238 AD by the Hoysala Empire, the temple is protected by the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI). The temple highlights the reign of the Hoysala Empire, as one can see various designs on the wall of temples. The temple’s architecture resembles the Panchkula style. The temple has 5 shrines guarded by 5 towers. Each shrine is connected to one another, but the entrance to the entire structure is from two sides only. The temple’s overall structure is quite magnanimous, and the area enclosing it is well kept. The temple’s priests and caretakers often look after the visitors, giving them a proper tour and spiritual information along the way.
The wall outside the temple is decorated with handmade figures of Flowers. Even the walls of the shrines have designs and embroidery that goes as high as 17 inches. Most temples of Southern India have 3 shrines but the Panchalingeshwara Temple has 5 shrines -Tatpurusheshwara, Aghoreshwara, Ishanyeshwara, Vamadeveshwara and Sadyojateshwara. The structures inside the temple are quite detailed, as they highlight the importance of spirituality. The temple is said to be designed by the one of most famous sculptors, as he hand molded various sculptors of the temple premises.
The town, Govindana Hali is quite small, and there are few shops enclosing the shrine. The Panchalingeshwara Temple is frequently visited by tourists, as it less marketed for peaceful purposes. The tourists going there would be requested to stay in peace and silence, so as to feel at par with spiritual spirit. The town is well connected to major cities, and has little habitation by the locals. Most of the big hotels are away, with no nearby restaurants in Govindana hali.
Sri Panchalingeshwara Temple open at 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM
What do we do , the temple is closed. It's 1pm.who. do we contact ?