Dakshina Kashi Kshetra also known as Antaragange is a renowned pilgrim destination in Kolar of Karnataka. It is a hill on the Shathshrunga mountain range lying in close vicinity of Bangalore. The place is considered to be holy due to the inflow of holy water in this region. Its piousness is compared with Kashi or Varanasi, thus given the name Dakshina Kashi Kshetra or Kashi of South.
The word Antaragange literally mean Ganges from deep in the Kannada language. The main attraction of Dakshina Kashi Kshetra is the Kashi Vishweshwara Temple. The temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva. A pond has formed inside the temple which is considered to be very sacred by the Hindus. Water flows down from top of the mountain as a stream. It oozes out from mouth of a stone bull, known as ‘Basava’. The holy water of the pond is believed to have medicinal value which can cure many diseases. There are carved steps to reach the temple from the base of the hill.
The place is also a delight for the trekkers. While trekking into the wilderness, one may hear the sounds of the mountain streams and the chirping of the birds. The panoramic view of the entire area atop the hill is soul stirring.
Dakshina Kashi Kshetra can be visit during the day from 06:00 AM to 06:00 PM