As the Shri Prakasheshwar Mahadev Temple is the private temple and dedicated to Lord Shiva, this becomes the popular place for tourists in Dehradun. The temple is always filled with the number of devotees during the month of Sawan and the festival of Shivratri. Sri Prakasheswar is the unique temple as the name of the temple is very unique and no other temple of Lord Shiva has this name in Dehradun. ‘Prakasheswar’ is combining two Hindi words where ‘Prakash’ means ‘light or rays’ and ‘Eshwar’ means ‘God’. There are thousands of name of Lord Shiva which is mentioned in the book known as ‘Shiva Sahastranamavali’ in which Prakaashaay’ is one of the names which means ‘the light of the knowledge’. The Prakasheshwar temple of Lord Shiva is owned by a private owner and nobody knows the owner. But, this entire management of the temple is controlled and monitored by this unknown owner.
There are big hoardings and banners placed which clearly mentions that ‘it is the private temple, so please do not donate money anywhere in this temple’. Even it is a private owner’s temple; this temple is managed very neatly and nicely. And there is no donation box around the temple or within the temple for that matter. There are no shops stalls for selling Prasad or flowers which devotees can offer to Lord Shiva. You just allowed pouring holy water on the Shiva Linga as there are many pot and water services to offer water on Shiva Linga. The Prakasheshwar Mahadev temple definitely falls in the bracket of must-visit ones.
Shri Prakasheshwar Mahadev Temple open at 05:00 AM to 08:00 PM - All Days
Is there original crystal mala available? I want to know about the variety and price oh these.?